Our solution

World first technology for healthier, more productive, and more sustainable agriculture.

We're facing major agricultural, nutritional, and environmental challenges, and they're all connected by one thing. Our soils. 

Traditionally we have thought of it as an infinite, self-replenishing resource. It isn't. What we've started to realise is, our soils are alive. Each handful of soil is bursting with more organisms than the number of people who have ever lived.

The way we are farming right now, relying on high rates of chemical fertilisers, is degrading our soils, decreasing productivity, and damaging our environment. Now, approximately 33% of the world’s soils are moderately to highly degraded.

To make matters worse, traditional farming practices are creating more problems than degraded soil.

Our food production can't keep up

Our populations are exploding, and it's projected we'll need to produce 70% more food in the next 30 years to feed everyone.

With approximately one third of the world soils being moderately to highly degraded, our farmers can't produce enough food with current practices to meet our forecasted growth in population.

Our food nutrition is declining

Traditional farming practices don't make sufficient micronutrients available to our crops, which decreases the nutritional content of the food we eat.

Micronutrients are critical to human health. Traditional fertilisers and poor soils produce less nutrient dense food.

A range of critical health issues can be linked to insufficient nutrients within our food. Approximately 1.1 million children under five die due to vitamin A and zinc deficiencies every year.

Our earth is dying

High rates of chemical fertilisers and fungicides that are prevalent in traditional farming practices degrade soil biology and health, reducing grower returns and creating environmental issues.

In addition, manufacturing, transportation and application of traditional fertilisers generates significant emissions.


RLF Agtech has developed the Plant Proton Delivery Technology to reverse the damage we've done, without sacrifice.

Highly efficient in application our Plant Proton Delivery Technology was developed to generate greater yields, improve crop nutrients, heal our soils and minimise our carbon footprint. We are committed to healthier humans, and a healthier world.

Direct seed and leaf applications deliver nutrients and energy directly into a plant via our PPD Tech.

Our PPD Tech is complexed with essential micronutrients to increase the growing plants energy reserves, nutrient availability and to act at a cellular level to increase yield, quality, and organic carbon.

PPD Tech drives larger root system for improved nutrient uptake, more robust crops, improved water utilisation and healthier soils. The increased efficiency means often we can decrease the use of soil applied chemical fertilisers by around 20%.

We grow the crop below the ground, as well as above. Not only do we drive larger root systems, we build healthier ones by allowing plants to increase their production of organic acids and sugars. We stimulate life around the root system, allowing the plant to access and use more nutrient and moisture, whilst building organic carbon and storing more C02.


Increase crop yield and quality

No matter the crop or farm location, our crop nutrition products will boost crop yield size, meaning more produce for farmers to sell on better terms.

Increase nutrient density & variety

Our products promote healthier plant root structure, allowing for more nutrient

capture into produce, making our food healthier.

Increase soil fertility

Our technology brings life back to barren soils, so farmers can grow healthier and healthier crops every year.

Increase carbon capture

Our products help plants grow stronger root systems, so they can store more carbon dioxide in their soil, and better resist climate change.

Grow more

By delivering nutrients to our crops in a way that's natural for them, our products can increase yield size for practically all crop types, on most farms.

With this technology, we can help our farmers grow more produce, and grow their business.

Grow better

With bigger, stronger root systems, crops grown with our products can bring in more nutrients, and a bigger variety of them.

That means better quality food, for happier, healthier humans.

Grow forever

Plants grown with our products have healthier root systems, which helps them bring life back to our soils, and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

By growing more sustainable crops with the ability to better resist climate change, replenish our soils and heal our environment, we’ll be saving our home for generations.

Our Plant Proton Delivery Technology reduces the need for mining of the elements necessary in traditional fertilisers.

"We’ve got the chance to make a genuine difference to global food security, soil health and meaningful carbon sequestration. All this, without making things any harder for our farmers"

– Gavin Ball, Acting Managing Director
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Our business

The people and purpose behind the technology driven crop nutrition company changing the world.

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Our products

The range of crop nutrition products that are powered by our world-first technology.

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