Our business

Changing the way
we grow food

Who are RLF AgTech?

We're an Australia-based business with a world-wide focus. Our farming innovations are powered by technology, but inspired by earth. We believe that we can feed the world and heal our planet, by combining a rich understanding of nature's ecosystems, with our technology of the future.

Grow more

RLF’s products increase yields by up to 30%+ with a higher nutrition content to improve the world’s food security. By delivering nutrients to our crops in a way that's natural for them, our products increase yield size for every crop type, on any farm.

With this technology, we can help our farmers grow more higher quality produce.

Grow better

With bigger, stronger root systems, crops grown with our products can bring in more nutrients, and a bigger variety of them.

RLF products biofortify the food we grow and eat, leading to increased intake of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

That means higher quality food and higher micronutrient intake, for happier, healthier humans.

Grow forever

Plants grown with our products have enhanced root systems and top growth, driving carbon capture from the air and storage in the soils, resulting in better soils and cleaner air.

Plant Proton Delivery Technology reduces the need for mining traditional elements. RLF’s products lead to restored soils which are nourished and improved for sustainable use.


Don McLay

Non-Executive Chairman

Don is a highly experienced company director, and was Chairman of Credit Corp (ASX:CCP) during which time he presided over a market capitalisation increase from $20 million to in excess of $2 billion.

He is known for his strategic vision, integrity, determination and sound business management, with a key strength in developing new business platforms.

Gavin Ball

Acting Managing Director

Gavin has over 30 years of expertise in the start-up, development, growth and ongoing management of business.

He has a management, financial and accounting skill set with a sales, marketing and commercialisation focus, and throughout his career has operated a diverse range of businesses. These skills bring strength to the Company. 

Mike Lu, PhD

CEO Asia and Executive Director

Mike has significant management experience in Chinese plant nutrition markets, and holds a PhD in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.

He has considerable senior level industry experience, including with Cargill Fertilizer Inc. (USA) and its Cargill Tianjin China (US-Sino Joint Venture) operations.

He is fluent in Mandarin and English.

Liza Carpene

Non-Executive Director

Liza’s executive experience encompasses corporate governance, social responsibility, stakeholder engagement, statutory reporting, human resources and day to day operational management, with an emphasis on leading companies through periods of growth and transformational change.

She is a qualified Chartered Secretary with ASX100 experience.

Paul McKenzie

Non-Executive Director

Paul is the Managing Partner of Agrarian Management Consultants to Agriculture, a leading WA consultancy with offices in Geraldton, Perth and Katanning.

He is a Fellow of AICD, past President of the Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants (WA) Inc and a Ministerial Appointee to various agribusiness review and advisory panels.

Ben Barlow

Non-Executive Director

Ben has extensive experience as a director having served in both private companies and statutory organisations. He brings strong practical agribusiness experience, and a proven record of building sustained shareholder value, most recently as Director, Australian Wool Network.

His qualifications include Master of Business (Agribusiness) Monash University, and Bachelor of Economics, Latrobe University. 

Zaiqian Zhang

Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary

Zaiqian is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Chartered Secretary, with 14+ years’ experience working with ASX-listed companies to successfully implement and upgrade ERP systems to establish and/or improve financial and control processes.

Being fluent in both English and Chinese languages, he brings excellent communication and business partnering skills.

Paul Clausen 

General Manager Australia

Paul has 15+ years results-orientated experience in international commodities trading and brokering, complemented by a solid background in agricultural management. 


His track-record with RLF AgTech has seen significant sales growth and market penetration across Australia, that is attributed to his broad, relatable understanding of all facets of farm practice and procedure. Paul has a Diploma in Agriculture from the Narrogin Agricultural College.

Carl Urbani, PhD

Chief Chemist and Production Manager/General Manager LiquaForce

Carl has extensive experience in inorganic, organic, and polymer chemistry, and works collaboratively to develop next generation products and technologies, especially those required to meet emission reduction targets within the agricultural sector.

He brings considerable academic expertise having been awarded Doctor of Philosophy from the Queensland University. Carl holds several patents, and is accredited with 20+ scientific papers.

Frank Lu

General Manager Asia

Frank has considerable knowledge of the Asia Region’s agricultural sector, specifically in addressing the challenges it faces in relation to food security and the need to increase the quality and yield of crops.

His 15+ years’ experience has been gained across a broad range of specialties, including seed technology, product development and import/export markets.

Hooshang Nassery, PhD

Chief Plant Physiologist

Hooshang oversees the Company’s crop trials and research programs, and provides technical understanding and advice for growers.

He has vast knowledge in his field and has worked as a professor of biology in universities, held senior research studies, and is accredited with several significant findings in the field of plant nutrition.


Please use the link below to download the Constitution of RLF AgTech Ltd.

Download Constitution

Our mission is simple. Better, healthier crop nutrition.

– Dr Mike Lu, Chief Executive Officer China

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Our products

The range of crop nutrition products that are powered by our world-first technology.

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Our solution

Plant Proton Delivery Technology is solving some of our world's biggest challenges.

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